Monday, April 20, 2009

What causes diseases and illness?

Did you know that all diseases starts from damage cell? The cell is the basic unit of life. When a man and a woman mate the egg and the sperm cell unite to a form a human embryo. Life starts here. In our body when the cell is damaged our tissues will also be damaged because tissues are made up of cells.When tissues are damaged the organs will also be damaged because organs are made up of tissues and when the organs are damaged the system will also be damaged because the system are made up of organs. Some of the system in our body are the digestive,skeletal,circulatory,excretory and others.When the system is damaged the body will be inflicted with diseases like cancer,arthritis,hepatitis,leukemia and many more.
What causes cellular damage? According to studies,damaged cell is caused by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electron. It is toxic and some called it chemical terrorist that damage the cells. Some factors of free radical accumulation are contaminated food like instant noodles,canned goods,processed meat and food with mono sodium glutamate. Food that are cooked to very high temperature. The air that we breathe is also a factor.Inhaling cigar smoke, factory and vehicle smoke also contributes on it. The water that we drink is also a source for free radicals. Deep well water have bacteria and contaminants while the water that we buy is dead water and acidic. The environment is now filled with radiation from cellular phone,TV and other appliances. The ozone layer is already damaged and has a hole as large as Australia. Sum it all up plus stress will give our body free radicals that make us weak through the destruction of the cells.
What shall we do to solve this problem? We need to destroy the source which the free radicals. How, with the help of anti oxidants. Some anti oxidants are Vitamin A,E and Beta Carotene. One best source of anti oxidant is grape seeds. It has OPC (oligomeric proantho cyanidin). Taking these supplements will aid and strengthen the liver because it will destroy free radicals that deposits on the liver. You will see the effect by having a very nice skin.

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