Enzymes are the foundation of energy and the life force in all living things. They are responsible for building, detoxifying, and healing the body.They are also the force that allows your body to digest and absorb food. Even thinking involves enzymes. All of our cells, tissues and organs needs enzyme to work without enzyme we are dead.. When the body’s enzyme level are high, disease disappears, when low - disease appears and eventually kills.
Combined the helpful benefits of PROBIOTICS as the living workers in our body. Probiotics enhance the immune system by favorably altering the gut micro-ecology and preventing unfriendly organisms from gaining a foothold in the body. They prevent the overgrowth of yeast and fungus and produce substances that can lower cholesterol.
Although a native of India, bignay is more popular in its second home in Indonesia and Malaysia. The tree is an evergreen, with wide, dark green glossy, leathery leaves, the reddish flowers are tiny. Male and female flowers are produced on separate trees. The tree is valued for its berries which turn dark purplish red when mature. Each fruit contains a single seed imbedded in a juicy purple red pulp. The fruits are produced in clusters of 20 to 30, but all do not ripen at the same time. It is normal to find a single pendant cluster bearing a range of white, yellow, pale green, red, and black berries.
While the thin yet tough skin is colored and yields a red juice, the pulp within is white and contains a colorless acidic liquid. The fruit is more sour than sweet, and it used for making jam. In Indonesia and in the Philippines, the fruit is cooked with fish dishes and the leaves are stewed with rice and other vegetables to give flavor, or are sometimes even eaten raw.
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