Cancer is a disease that starts in our cells. Our bodies are made up of millions of
cells grouped together to form tissues or organs, such as muscles, skin, bones, and
organs. Cancer occurs when there is an abnormal growth of cells, which can form
lumps or tumors, or can spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to
other parts of the body. Tumors can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant
(cancerous). Benign tumor cells stay in one place in the body and are not usually
Malignant tumor cells are able to spread to invade nearby tissues and other parts
of the body, which is a process called metastasis. When a malignant tumor spreads,
it often causes swelling of nearby lymph nodes. Finding cancer early and getting treatment
before it spreads can greatly help improve your chances of survival.
While we think of cancer as one disease, it is actually a group of more than 100
different diseases. It can involve any tissue of the body and have many different
forms in each body area. Most cancers are named for the type of cell or organ in
which they start. For example, if it starts in the liver it is called liver cancer. The four
most common types of cancer in Canada are breast, prostate, lung, and colon.
A great deal of research has focused on the underlying causes of abnormal cell
growth. We do know that certain factors, such as free radical damage, genetics, diet,
and lifestyle, are involved. While many of us may blame our family history, only
about 5–10 percent of cancers are attributed to faulty genes. Having a family history
may increase your risk of certain cancers, but researchers feel that whether or not
those genes are “switched on” may depend largely on lifestyle and environment.
These critical yet often overlooked factors play a role not only in prevention but also
in the treatment and recovery from cancer.
Cancer is a very broad subject and it is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss
each type and make individualized recommendations. The goal here is to provide you
with information on known risk factors for the most common forms of cancer, how
to reduce your risk of getting cancer, and how to improve your chances of survival if
you have cancer. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, it is critical that you consult
with your health care provider to create an individualized program. In many cases,
dietary and lifestyle strategies and supplements can be taken along with your other
treatments. Certain supplements, however, could interact with chemotherapy or other
medical treatments, so it is important to work with your health care provider.
Research shows that overall 30–35 percent of all cancers can be prevented by being
active, eating well, and maintaining a healthy body weight.
Cancer does not happen overnight. It may take months or years before there are any
signs or symptoms, and these symptoms can vary greatly depending on the location of
the cancer. Here are some key things to look for:
• A lump or area of swelling under the skin or bloating in pelvic area
• A mole that is asymmetrical, has an irregular border, is dark in colour, or grows in size
or thickness
• Change in bowel or bladder habits
• Diffi culty swallowing, upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting
• Persistent cough, hoarseness, or a cough that brings up blood
• Persistent low-grade fever
• Rectal bleeding or blood in the urine or stool
• Recurrent infections or wounds that do not heal
• Unexplained pain, especially in the bones, breasts, or pelvic area
• Unexplained vaginal discharge or bleeding
• Unexplained weight loss and loss of appetite
• Unusual fatigue, headaches
• Becoming sexually active at a young age or having multiple partners increases the risk
of cervical cancer.
• Exposure to environmental toxins such as tobacco, pollution, asbestos, heavy metals
(arsenic, lead, nickel), and radiation (X-rays), and handling of petroleum products.
Smoking is responsible for 30 percent of all cancer deaths. Chlorinated drinking water
increases the risk of bladder cancer. Some substances used in pesticides are classifi ed
as known, probable, or possible carcinogens.
• Excessive sun exposure or sunburn during childhood increases the risk of skin cancer.
• Genetics: Family history of cancer increases risk.
• Heavy alcohol consumption increases risk.
• High insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) and insulin resistance increase risk.
• High intake of saturated fat, trans fats, and high-glycemic foods (refi ned starches and
sugar); low intake of fi bre; consumption of pesticides, food additives; nutritional defi -
ciencies (lack of antioxidants) increase risk.
• Lack of exercise increases your risk of several types of cancer.
• Obesity increases risk of breast, endometrial, cervical, ovarian, and gallbladder cancer
for women and colon and prostate cancer for men.
• Poor liver function can increase risk. The liver plays a key role in removing toxins.
• Stress hampers immune function and may increase the risk of cancer (particularly
breast cancer). Stress may also worsen recovery in those with cancer.
• Use of the hormones estrogen and progestin (HRT) increase the risk of breast cancer;
risk is greatest with higher dosages for long periods of time (longer than fi ve years).
• Weakened immune function, exposure to viruses and fungal infections increase risk.
Exposure to many different risk factors may increase a person’s risk more than the risk
associated with each individual toxin or chemical, so it is important to avoid as many
known risk factors as possible. As you see from this list, many of the known risk factors
are within our control.
There is evidence to show genetic inheritance has very little to do with who gets cancer.
Researchers looked at a group of 44,778 pairs of twins from Finland, Sweden, and
Denmark, in order to assess the risks of cancer for the twins of people with cancer. The
researchers concluded that inherited genetic factors make only a minor contribution to
the susceptibility of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer. More importantly, they concluded
that environmental factors make a major contribution to all of the 28 anatomical
sites of cancer studied (New England Journal of Medicine, 2000: 343; 78–85)
The treatment of cancer depends on the location, stage of cancer, your existing health
status, and many other factors. Today there are numerous options for medical treatment
including chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and hormone therapy.
There are a variety of important screening tests that can help in the early detection
of cancer, such as:
• Breast self-exams, mammograms, and thermography scans
• Digital rectal exams
• Pap test (for cervical cancer) and pelvic exam
• Prostate exam and PSA test
• Skin exam
• Testicular exams
Numerous studies have shown that good nutrition and various lifestyle measures can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. For those who have cancer, a good nutritional program can
help prevent weight loss, aid digestion, support immune function, and boost energy levels.
Supplements can also play an important supportive role.
Dietary Recommendations
Foods to include:
• Boost fiber intake: aim for 25–30 g daily of soluble and insoluble fi bre. Eat 2 tbsps of milled
fl ax-seed every day: it provides fiber and contains compounds that help in the prevention
of cancer. Recent research found that it can also slow the growth of prostate cancer.
• Choose free-range poultry and wild (not farmed) fi sh, beans, and legumes.
• Choose healthy fats such as olive oil and fl axseed oil.
• Drink green tea, which is a potent antioxidant, and studies have linked drinking green tea
to a lower risk of several cancers.
• Drink lots of purified water.
• Eat cancer-fighting foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale,
tomatoes, garlic, onions, and carrots.
• Eat cancer-fighting herbs and spices like ginger, cayenne, rosemary, oregano, and cur-cumin.
• Eat lots of vegetables and fruit (10 servings daily). Choose organic produce as much
as possible to avoid ingestion of pesticides. Foods that contain the highest amounts of
pesticide residue include peaches, strawberries, apples, spinach, nectarines, celery, pears,
cherries, potatoes, peppers, and raspberries. If organics are not available or cost-prohibitive,
wash your produce with lots of water and scrub the skins. This will also help eliminate
harmful bacteria.
• Eat small, frequent meals, which are easier on digestion and also help improve blood sugar
• Fermented soy products (tofu, tempeh and miso) appear to have cancer-fi ghting properties.
• Ginger tea may be helpful for managing nausea caused by chemotherapy.
• Yogurt and fermented dairy can aid digestion and intestinal function.
Consider doing a detoxification program, such as a juice cleanse. See Appendix C for more
Overwhelming evidence from numerous clinical trials indicates that a plant-based diet
can reduce the risk of cancer. In 1992, a review of 200 studies showed that cancer risk
in people consuming diets high in fruits and vegetables was only one-half that in those
consuming few of these foods. It is clear that there are components in a plant-based
diet that can reduce cancer risk, but few Canadians get the recommended intake of
these foods (Nutrition and Cancer, 1992; 18 (1): 1–29).
Foods to avoid:
• Reduce intake of saturated fat to less than 10 percent of total calories by limiting animal
and dairy products. Avoid trans fats (found in many processed/snack foods and fried
foods) completely. Read labels carefully.
• Avoid preservatives (nitrates and sulphites) and chemical food additives.
• Deli meats (bologna, salami) and hot dogs are full of nitrates and other chemicals that are
associated with cancer and poor health.
• Eating charred meat (BBQ) and well-done meat has been associated with increased risk of
breast cancer (see below).
• Minimize alcohol, as it is hard on liver and immune function. Heavy drinking increases the
risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, colorectal, and stomach. If you drink, limit
yourself to one or two drinks daily and choose red wine as it contains antioxidants that
may offer cancer-protecting properties.
• Minimize eating sugar and refi ned starches, which quickly raise blood sugar and insulin
levels, increasing the risk of insulin resistance, which is associated with increased risk of
certain cancers.
Women who consistently eat well-done steak, hamburgers, and bacon have a 4.62
times increased risk of breast cancer. This conclusion was drawn from 41,836 women
who took part in the Iowa Women’s Health Study (Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
1998; 90 (22): 1724–1729). Marinating meat helps prevent the formation of these
carcinogens. Marinades that contain olive oil, vinegar, garlic, mustard, lemon juice,
rosemary, oregano, and curcumin have been to shown to be ideal. Meat should be
marinated for at least two hours.
Lifestyle Suggestions
• Get regular exercise. Aim for one hour of moderate-intensity activity each day, such as
walking, cycling, or swimming.
• Don’t smoke, and avoid second-hand smoke and highly polluted areas.
• Manage your stress. Try yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques.
• Drink purified water. Several long-term studies have found that drinking chlorinated tap
water increases the risk of cancer, particularly bladder cancer.
• Avoid storing food in soft plastic containers. Use glass or hard plastic (which contains highdensity
• Minimize exposure to dangerous palates (see next page). Ask manufacturers about
non-vinyl hard flooring alternatives, and consider other types of materials such as natural
flooring and fabric shower curtains.
• Use stainless steel cookware. All non-stick cookware is made up of a chemical called PTFE
(polytetrafluoroethylene). When heated to high temperatures (greater than 572°F), they
can create fumes that contain a suspected cancer-causing chemical, tetrafluoroethene-TFE.
• Don’t spray pesticides on your lawn. Look into natural methods of weed control. Don’t
let your children or pets on lawns that have recently been sprayed with pesticides as they
can inhale the fumes and absorb the chemicals through their skin. Signs are posted when
lawns are sprayed.
• Be sun smart. Wear sunscreen with at least SPF 15, and don’t forget to apply it to your ears
and the back of your neck. Wear a wide-brim hat and sunglasses when outdoors.
• Massage and acupuncture may be helpful for reducing stress and nausea associated with
Phthalates (pronounced THA-lates) are a group of chemicals often called “plasticizers,”
which are used in a variety of products, including polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products.
Phthalates are added to PVC products to make them soft and flexible. Phthalates are
associated with a number of health problems, including liver abnormalities, cancer, and
fertility problems. There are many different types of phthalates. The most widely used
is DEHP, which is found mostly in PVC plastics (vinyl fl ooring and medical plastics such
as IV bags and tubes). DINP is another phthalate, which is also used in PVC plastics,
including children’s toys. Guidelines suggest that DEHP and DINP shouldn’t
be used in items that are likely to be placed in children’s mouths, but manufacturers
aren’t legally bound by these guidelines. Many suppliers of baby bottles use phthalate-
free substances such as polypropylene (recycling code 5), but be sure to check with
the manufacturer or use glass bottles. For nipples and pacifi ers, choose those made of
silicone or latex. In cosmetics, DBP, DEP, and DMP are the phthalates most often used.
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